OpenYield Launches Fully Automated, Equity-Like Marketplace to Lead Bond Trading Into the Next Era

OpenYield The Bond Market Powering Broker-Dealers Advisors and Fintechs

OpenYield’s unique liquidity, low cost and flexible technology makes it easy for broker-dealers, advisors and asset managers to offer attractive bond investing solutions to retail clients NEW YORK, NY – March 28, 2024 – OpenYield Trading LLC, a FINRA-registered broker-dealer and SEC-registered alternative trading system (ATS), today printed its first trade, marking the launch of […]

The Bond Buyer: Startup Firm OpenYield to Launch Fixed-Income Platform With Retail Focus

This article was originally published in The Bond Buyer. Read the full piece highlighting OpenYield HERE. Startup firm OpenYield is preparing to launch a digital fixed-income trading platform by the end ofthis quarter tailored toward retail investors. The fixed-income platform will focus on munis, along with Treasuries and corporates, said JonathanBirnbaum, OpenYield’s founder and CEO. […]

The Remix: Unwrapping the Fund

OpenYield The Bond Market Powering Broker-Dealers Advisors and Fintechs

OpenYield is on a mission to make it cheap and easy for retail investors to invest in bonds. We often receive questions on why this matters in a world with myriad ETFs and mutual funds to access the asset class. To examine the value proposition, let’s take a step back and reflect on what funds […] ‘No last look’ bond platform OpenYield prepares to launch

This article was originally published on Read the full piece highlighting OpenYield HERE. Start-up OpenYield is preparing to launch a new fixed-income platform aimed at giving investment advisers, wealth managers and their clients the kind of routine access to competitive electronic liquidity taken for granted by institutional investors.  The Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) […]

Automation Is Eating Markets – Yet Bonds Are Slow to Shed Their Analog Roots

Markets can be classified into two basic stages in terms of maturity. The first stage is manual. These markets are characterized by the need for human capital for setting prices, transacting and settling. This can look like anything from buying a house to buying tomatoes at a farmers market. Both trades require conversations for price discovery and execution, and a labor-intensive process for settlement (balancing tomatoes while scrounging for cash). 

It’s Time to Transform the Retail Bond Market

OpenYield is on a mission to modernize bond trading for retail.  Try to buy a bond today, and you’ll experience something anachronistic. Like using a rotary phone, you can make a call, but the process will be clunky and frustrating, and consequently won’t get used often. Retail investors face these challenges in the bond market, […]

The Bond Market Powering Retail

Our modern bond marketplace enables you to serve clients with modern technology, 100% firm quotes and aggressive pricing. This is the bond market you’ve been waiting for.

Reach out to us today.